Leonor Bianchi
Há mais de duas décadas militando no segmento cultural, fui convidada a integrar o Mapa de Cultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro em 2012, quando foi criado.
O Mapa traz um verbete (abaixo) desatualizado. De 2012 até hoje já criei dezenas de outras ações culturais, dentre elas, a própria Revista do Choro e o Prêmio Marcus Pereira de Pesquisa em Música Popular Brasileira, que teve sua primeira edição no ano passado.
O verbete disponível no Mapa
Rio de Janeiro-native journalist Leonor Bianchi now lives in Rio das Ostras, and has houses in Macaé and Nova Friburgo. Her name is well known throughout the city. Bianchi is responsible for the online newspaper “O Polifônico”. She says she makes “interventionist journalism not based on disinformation”. Bianchi is also author of the digital series “Cadernos de Comunicação”, which tells the story of journalism in Rio das Ostras.
She is also fond of cinema: she created the Mostra Cinema Popular Brasileiro ? Memória, Identidade e Pertencimento (Brazilian Popular Cinema – Memory Identity and Belonging), which takes place since 2004 in Lumiar, a district of Nova Friburgo. His goal is to promote independent film. At the competitive screenings, an average of 40 films including feature and short films from throughout Brazil.
The festival consists of three days of a free programme, divided into themes such as Cultural Identities, Memories from the Dictatorship, Memories from Places and Regional Panoramas. Leonor Bianchi released in 2014 a book and catalogue with illustrations, photos and documents from the event since its beginning in Lumiar, when the film “O Povo do Cinema de Lumiar” was screened.
In Macaé, Bianchi organizes the Festival Internacional de Cinema de Animação de Macaé ? Anima Cine (Macaé International Animation Film Festival). The festival is a tribute to local illustrator Álvaro Marins, known as Seth, which made, in 1917, of the first Brazilian animation, the film “Kaiser”. The festival screens 30 short and feature animation films from many countries, for free.
Acesse o link do verbete clicando aqui.